Peace and turmoil
Peace and turmoil

Due to the unrest of my circumstances, I am assured that Christ alone is the giver of this peace.

peace and turmoil peace and turmoil

Previous financial comfort is gone, my beautiful home is no longer mine, my health is an unknown, my children have a very uncertain future yet, I have unexpectedly gained something as I have learned to surrender these things to the Lord. Now here I am, months later, in a very different place. I felt confused, even angry, at why God was allowing so much hardship and heartache all at the same time. As God allowed circumstances in life to intensify and my earthly efforts and comforts to fall short of peace, I began to wrestle between what I desired and what Christ desired for me. Several months ago, I felt financially comfortable, lived in a beautiful home, was blessed to stay at home with my four children and yet, I still struggled to find peace. I have been meditating on this a lot recently. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Peace I leave with you my peace I give to you. Is it truly attainable beyond a momentary escape from reality? I envision a quietness with unthreatened time: no to-do list, fear, worry, pressure, pain, or place to be.īut then, just as quickly as I drifted off to my peaceful getaway, I am quickly jolted back to the reality of rambunctious children, phone calls, and an anxiety-inducing “to-do” list, as my envisioned peace fades into the distance. The air is comfortable with a warm and gentle breeze with no distractions other than the chatter of seagulls and the rhythmic beat of the crashing waves.

peace and turmoil

What do you picture? For me, I imagine retreating alone to the ocean, looking out into the vastness, beauty, and power of its waters.

Peace and turmoil